Sunday, August 1, 2010


sekejap sahaja masa berlalu..tup tap dah bulan 8 untuk tahun 2010 ni..erm..lagi seminggu nak puasa and then left bout one month nearly festive season. Raya datang lagi ! yewwhoo.n of cos this coming raya will b so excited with our lil cementot....

n wen it nearly there am thinking of LOTS preparations to tick on. All this while la the moments to check out for raya cookies, new raya cloth la, the new matching scarf, the baju melayu..n

so, getting fasting month nex week make us feel lil excited. breaking fast with our liltle choms..hurm..mcm la syaurah tu puasa kan. haha.the most important is we hope this coming ramadhan we will be blessfull from Allah. Du'a for everything single good things done will be accepted. pray to Allah if myself not to tinggal puasa as am doing full month, during last my pregnancy year. memang la kan :p lol.

i accept that v hv to park xtra portion this year buying syaurah's raya cloth.. yo damn excited but in this current financial we both have to plan the pocket wisely..kalau dikutkan hati,,hancuss sudeyy sogo disebelah opis ni kukerjakan.ahaks :)

and ya its already august, lots of things in my mind.ya i know it still early august but dun wait until the last jump in. adehh, mengalahkan ape je luahan hati aku kali ini. bukan ape, bila dah jadi golongan ibu ni, am always extract everythin which cum across ma mind to schedule it on time so that it won't be massive done later on.

p/s : the yellow kiko dress are the first baju raya for, hair dressing, kurung, skirt, pyjamas is waiting in the list.or i mean the scary list..hahak.

happy comin excited month everybodiee.. :p

(look out the dot at forehead, syuuhh! mosquitos, dun bite me sum more, plishh )

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