Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Segalanya dengan NIAT

"Bermula dengan nawaitu yang ikhlas dan sempurna ke jalan Allah swt.
Semoga Allah swt membuka jalan rezeki yang mudah dan senang serta segala urusan berjalan dengan lancar dan penuh keberkatan"
with a wonderful kalimah of Bismillahirrahmanirrahim,
it starts today and i mean it n i knoe i can do it !

p/s: have planning on something big. May God bless our planned. u go gurl!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

the always make me smile

being a working mommy not just easy as abc..but the worth things was seeing the lil face when homed. mcm hilang terus penat nye.. n recently, syaurah goin thru lots of development. alhamdulillah.syukur Ya Allah..she is catching up to show her own gesture. but still dalam fikiran is this the right way me and mr walid boosting her for her bright future. emm..dah la jauh dari parents, i would say i tried to giv my full strengh to put my heart n soul on her. deep inside my heart still had a glimpsed afraid that am not doing of the other moms doing for their children. n last month, i qualified maself done for her first year. then should prepare for the next year for her to explore bout herself. and walid was the one who non stop supporting me up.
however, anak adalah satu anugerah yang tak ternilai dari Yang Maha Esa. the first day am kissing my daughter n that was day i'm telling myself to be more focus in life. sometimes there's a mix feeling struggle tellin is im a GOOD enough to my only children and dearest husband?

eihh,dah dah.LOL kecoh kan! no, its not, it was wut i feel lately. maybe terlalu ikutkan perasaan kut, penat and so on. i bet so is all the mommies would feel the same too~ well actually im super super fine la people.LOL..the absolute thought to God make me feel so small on this world. i think this is a usual feeling.human never eva satisfied of what they got. i knoe im doin the good job as a wife and mother to both of my soul. n the word and thought evryday wil make me strong.thnks walid.~wink. as parent, it was a never-ending for us to think bout our children. me myself was already excited thinking bout syaurah wen she grown up soon. schools, her gadgets, fashioned up, islamic knowledge, extra skill, hobby, sports..and etc.

move on bout lil syaurah update..i din catch her first word. i think its 'ma ma' n 'eemm ma' .. but she always say 'nak nak' with finger pointing when see something of food. plastik makanan ke, tupperware ke, the microwave sound, rak roti kt kedai..haha..tahu tahu je. bila ckp 'shari..' she will reply back '..pah'...n if 'syauu...' just a second she say '..rahhh'...haha funny LOL. tu semua dapat kt rmh pengasuh. boleh la skit skit dr tak leh ckp kan.body parts just so so.only can show us 'mata, kaki, dan perot' je...n she call walid 'ayah' instead of papa or jauh sekali walid..hihi.n surprise for ummi she called me 'eddahh'..LOL..aida ni budak kecik ank jiran kt rmh pengasuh tu. everyday she will screamed 'eddahh' bila aida balik dari sekolah. n the same screamed wen am fetch her up.hahhaa...bila la time for ummi n walid. we knoe its hard n takes time to pronounce it well.ala takpe la.ummi tak kesah pn syaurah, as long as she still recognize her parent kan..kukukukui.. a few word was sound clear la, 'duck, cat, goat, a, b, ba, ta, na' while with her flash card and vcd.-~~ enuff bout syaurah's little tongue..:P

urgh, dah dah.tekan publish post je lew..but before that, as usual my loyal picture...tata

this smile bring me to always smile everyday.

note for u : 'syaurah pls dun get me wrong of this entry ya.this is just my two cents feeling towards drawing your future'.apart, am thnkful to hav u princess!'

Thursday, March 17, 2011

hey pretty lady ..anyone??

assalamualaikum pretty people outtheree!
apart from last week gateway to padang, got some eye theraphy for pretty lady on the line.../lol
scroll down n PM me if interested ya..

**Kain Kurung Sulam Bukit Tinggi **
material chiffon and soft cotton
4 metres
sesuai untuk buat kebaya or kurung
sulam sangat high quality dan halus
available in variety of super hot colours

price : RM 70 (without postage fees)
( i manage to grab pink and super hot blue colurs for maself! lov it..sah sah utk raya la trus )

**beg sulam untuk telekung**
fully cover with printed sulam on it
adorable with zipp n comfort holder
variety of attractive colours
not only for telekung, easy bag to grab when outing/lol
price : RM 35 (without postage)
( i have this in black and greyish colour of sulam..kunun senang la nk matching ngn baju paper pun, but other combinaton colour lagi nmpak kemuslimahan yg hot.n nope, i din put telekung /lol, but its for my big wallet, feeding bottle, hp time nk g kuar mkn..kukui)
erm erm..just buzz n emel me at
it actually lots of variety sulam bukit tinggi for telekung in the line but u guys have to wait for special entry for it onlyyy...
hav a nice day!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Pray for the best ~~

em em..touching touching..first entry touching 2011..
"doa tulus aku mengiringi perjuangan hidup rakan seperjuangan aku yang sorang ni..dugaan besar tuhan bagi pada dia untuk terus harungi hidup ini. sungguh tragis kisah cinta sampaikan diperlakukan oleh sang suami bagaikan tiada maruah. hebat sungguh dugaan yang diterima. aku tahu dia sangat tabah demi masa depan dua orang anak yang sikit pun tidak diendahkan oleh suami. semalam trilogi perjalanan cinta selama 5 thn bersama suaminya menjadi noktah. dengan aku turut menitis air mata teringtkan raut wajah anak2nya yang agak rapat dengan kami. sungguh tak sangka, manusia beginilah, segalanya akan gelap kerana duit.peringatan untuk diri sendiri dan yang lain kita hamba yang lemah ni sentiasa sedar bahawa ianya tak akan dapat dibawa kemana. dirinya seakan dianiaya hebat oleh seorang yang selama ini didambakan cinta. tetapi sebaliknya aku bersyukur betapa hebat dugaan yang diberi terselindung sebuah hikmah yang dua kali ganda hebat yang menjadi rahsia Allah. sungguh perit aku dengar kisah rumahtangga yang dihadapinya namun berat lagi bahunya yang memikul. syukur, Tuhan bagi dia penuh kekuatan dan ketenangan serta sokongan daripada seluruh ahli keluarga membuatkan kakinya boleh lagi melangkah. sang suami pula, mungkin kini terus sahaja dengan dunia kesenangannya yang dibaluti selimut keegoan seorang lelaki. kemana agaknya destinasi kehidupannya jika tanggungjawab terhdap anak seakan dibaikan sebelum ini. masyaAllah..
rakan seperjuanganku, semoga Tuhan terus memberi kekuatan kepadanya untuk merencanakan kehidupan nya bersama anak2 selepas noktah ini. setiap kali berbicara hal anak air mata turut menitis teringtkan kasih yang menjadi hak mutlak mereka dipisahkan dek kerana pegangan hidup sang ayah yang tidak betul. dikala ini, segalanya telah berakhir dn harapan aku agar segala urusan mahkamah dan tuntutan hak yang diusahakan berjalan dengan lancar. ya Allah, kepadamu aku mohon untuk berikan petunjuk ke jalan yang benar, tegakkan segala hak dn kebenaran, engkau Tuhan yag maha pengasih lagi maha menyanyangi hambaMu.."
this story brought puzzled in my mind to be more appreciate in our own lifepath..everything, anything, all are from Allah swt.

~~heart u both~~
both heart are the best things i eva have. thnk God for this, pray for cherishing the love till the end of time. i love u walid and thnk for being there for me and little heart. what now are full enough to giv me strength in life. heart u so strong~~

p/s : ber'latarbelakang'kan lagu 'sedetik lebih' buat entry ni lebih touching khuttt..! thumbs up anuar zain ! (tetibe je ! hihi)

Monday, March 14, 2011

BPA Free Feeding Bottle

this current issue had shock out a million moms outthere one of that la. now just go thru the meaning and real effect of BPA used. punye la selama ni duk perhati dan beli yang BPA Free tapi tak tahu pekebendanya mende alah ni.pls get surprised pretty mommy, it can cause lots of things to infant hormones our baby yukk ! oh, why Malaysian gov still givin a time for this bottle in the market~sigh..
browse these info too.

for my princess, still loyal to this brand and she lov it well... erm, i got the crazy discount last month promotion at sogo.trus borong 3 bijik botol sekaligus .bkn senang nak dpt time runtuh cam nie kn..
thnk you tomme tippie!

a thousand pray

Salam ols..

~~~ a thousand pray for earthquake and tsunami victim at japan ~~~
Setiap ujian Allah ada hikmah dan petanda disebaliknya.
pi palang es : moral of the story..tingkatkan ibadah kepada Allah swt. That's it!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

the first trip

alhamdulillah, settle the first experience trip with syaurah. alahai dak manja ummi ni baik amaatt ! three of us enjoy the trip so much n especially little syaurah yg amt disayangi oleh bapak-bapak disana..thnk u cyg u being good all the way there and walid dearie, u should remind yourself to put on diary the next trip taw.!
anyhow mommy outhere, this is my first experience flying n trip with baby. lot of things learned n yes, parent should think the best and easiest way to handle your baby throughout the journey. so, tiada lagi lenggang kankung mcm sebelum ini lah. all the baby stuff from head to toe must be all in gear up. then it will not disturb your whole journey and the baby will always be in a good situation. hurm, alhamdulillah, walid guide me well too. ikutkan ummi rase semua benda nak dibawak.
hihi.okie la, here just a few snap shot moment there.

p/s : anyway peeps, bukit tinggi at padang was a nice shopping place to go too~~.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


heyy template baru,am lovin' it...hehe..bertukar !! lompat bintang !

Monday, March 7, 2011

Blessing birthday thots...

hello :07032011:
i welcome u today..
the one step foward to a nu blessing 27th year..
with lots of pray and wishes..
hoping for the best..
renew from the past...
learn for the best...
fight for the right...
buhbye branded ending, hello branded start...

God..may this coming lifecycle blessing wit lot of barakah n full of guidance..amenn

p/s : thnks luv, this thot are really enuff to make my day ! yeayyy ehh ops alhamdulillah..~wink wink...

my little WANNA BE ~part 1

ummi dearie,
i wish to wear like u too~~ hihi.

p/s : syaurah a.k.a mek serebeh.

current obsession to fashion up herself. tak g mana pun, main dlm rmh je, even dh berpeloh sakan pun, still insist to wear...hish..ya la, a gud sign maybe!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Ber"TABAH"lah wahai ibu..

ya, memang tak aku nafikan ade anak ni mmg kena tabah je manjang. kesabaran dn ketabahan diuji kuat..
and here got things to share n now syaurah was fully recovered. she was suspected a early broncitis symptoms. syukur it was not chronic stage. erm.yor yor je kan. ya, mmg nk gugur jantung bila tgk dada anak berdegup kencang tak mcm selalu.tak keruan aku bawak kereta pun terketor2 kaki gitew..huh..
tapi budak bijak ummi ni sempat lagi main- main, gelak2..aigooo..
it happens bila dah seminggu syaurah batuk batuk plus running nose. so, after bagi ubat, still camtu gak, then one day die batuk teruk sampailah menggangu tidur, esok kannya terus bdn suam2 dn nafas mcm tersekat tak lepas. ya mmg kahak die terkumpul n hard to breath. ermm.. terasa jantung gugur lagi part 2 sebenar bila paed ckp she got bad wheezing and we have to start on antibiotic for two days before warded. hahh! masa tu ape yg terbaik je wahai sang doktor oi.n syukur kate doktor 'die ni takde sign sakit pon mama..cuma risau dada dia, we have to work out sumthing'...ermm..syaurah main sana main sini buat aku binngung la jugak budak sethn jagung nieeyy haiii...

tapi aku betul2 syukur la, diizinkan tuhan antibiotic tu work out dn she recover but the whezzing was still there n for prolong amik ubt then tnggu nex appointment pulak..hoh..'biase la mama, budak kecik tak reti nak buang hingus aka kahak die, ni la jadinya, cuma kena rawat awal takut infections dekat lung'...

fuh, punyer lega, samapai mkn nasik pun bertabah ummi pas tu..haha.teroks...
sepanjang kena, asyik bgn jaga waktu mlm, tapi syaurah tak cranky sgt, cuma the whhezing buat aku takoot..itu la adat resam ade anak, dh makin membersar, ade je,,kata org tuatua nk dapat akal la tu, nk pandai sesuatu..setuju pun jugak aku ngn statement tu, gigi pun dah tumbuh lagi sebatang dn mulut dah bnyak pandai sebut sejak baik demam tu..aihh..aku doulu2 pun cenggitu la kan..tu tak campur lagi kes terkepit, terhantuk, terpelecok...alahai syaurah sayangg...
bdn baru naik nk bam bam skit, kus kus sudey, turun 200gm sbb lost appetite.erm.lepas ni focus balik ye syaurah..go go..

shayer dh sembuhh !boley main..yuuu!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The first ONE

Yes, everyone, am turning ONE..!
and dear syaurah the only..
this is your ONE sayang..not matter how many birthday will come and go, u will always be ummi and walid's little girl...
This is your birthday, but we both got a GIFT..
its a gentle, sweet and beautiful daughter u r..
who is always pleasure to be with,
you glow with compassion..
we love u daughter
we both wish that every single ONE put on foward will be the happiest yet
i promise u r the great GIFT eva and thank u for that..
-ummi n walid-

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Come back..!

awal2 pagi tetiba ade smeangat nak uat come back kat blog sendirik.uhurm..come back la la,sian je,ade blog tapi tak hapdet..sory blog,sibuk pun idok, takde masa pun idok,..ntah ler..macem2 la..

erm, sorry lagikk.dah february baru first en3 for 2011.betapalahh nyee..hehe

takpe la bersawang kt dunia blog takpe,asalkan rmh tak bersawang..huhu

erm erm..crite basi banyak sgt sgt,,insyAllah cuba update nak jadi memory lam blog ni nex nex en3 la kutt.

crite baru masak..budak tecik ni makin beshar, makin pandai, makin panjang akal nye.. will update it later jugakk....
gambar jalan-jalan time krismas thn 2010, tapi tetap juga menjadi
' wajah-wajah kesayangan hamba'.