my dear princess is up to 9 months today.sekejap je rase. she was very active and sampai tak sempat lemak lemak nak melekat kat bdn terus tepu sbb sgt lasak.mmg super-super gurl smpai mencbr kesabaran ummi.. (wahh, statement ummi !)
alhamdulillah, on her 3rd week of 8 month years old, she can stand on her own feet but can't step out lagi.can't wait to see to first golden step..everyday, she keep doing standing-up and bending-down by her rounded eyes looking on her feet and knees. mungkin dlm hati, 'pelik nyer kaki saya ni boleh bengkok bengkok'..while her hand grabing and campak all the toys everywhere.
toys?? wonder y am stop buying her toys,coz my kitchen utensil become her no idea wut's mine to be her next toys.*&$%..dah nama gegurl kan. so, lepas ni agak-agak menjadi lah kalo ummi belikan mainan alatan dapur untuk syaurah..
She can do a lot of things nowadays. she can crawl so fastt n the fav places straight to our bathroom, pastu point out her tiny finger to be in. her gesture are always make me and mr. walid smile all the day.ummi n walid proud to have u sayang. She love to watch cartoon at playhouse disney and wil say 'hoh'hoh' with big grin smile when there's a song play in it. now she on her way to learn clapping hand and step out fwd.tapi gigi belum la muncul lagi,bilakah wahai en gigi gigi sekelian.ummi yang melebih tak sabar.kena gigit nnti baru terdiamm !
so, setiap hari dan minggu, there a few new things she can up to.excited pun ade tak sbr nk tunggu gelagat dn aksi sikecik tonet ni. pity, here some fews faces of walid n ummi victim's
so..what about this? first 'pokok kelapak'.
what about this?..the big hair clip
what about this?.. ummi's shawl...
what about this?...maher zain live in parkson..(testing !)
and lastly, ...wwhhatt about..
my two eternity bodyguard...
p/s: spot that there's a photostat machine on the last pic?ahaii anak walid kann.mcm walid la skit dah..tuff ke?
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