Monday, September 27, 2010

which i will not forget...


a sob sob to write in here but i have to coz this moment which i wanna syaurah know in future that she fell down from bed..yess people,the king size bed not baby cot or what.


well, we both take it as dugaan of Allah want us to always be carefull for next time,

and thnk God she was in good condition

mine was the one who put her on the bed at my sister house, thinking of she need a short nap before magrib. only God knows, she crawled up to the pillow that i put around her then fell down to the floor.she cried out loud for about one minutes and fall asleep while i breastfeed her after that.

as usual, alhamdulillah we found her in active mode after that.she was hiccup and always wanna up for everything around her.

but, wut eva, we decide to have a session at KPJ worried of what happen inside. then go for city brain.

alhamdulilah nothing serious and from that we learnt a lot.

and syaurah my princess...ummi and walid fell so sorry of what happen. we will be take xtra xtra carefull of not the sob-sob things happen to you again and more, sayang.

we always pray and tawakkal for your safety at nanny house too.
erm..we always lurvee of what eva you are darling ~
## note that this is not on the bed ##

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Minal Aidil WalFaizin..

aiyaiyaii.still in raya mood.selamat hari raya maaf zahir batin.
scroll it till dizzy coz this entry loaded wif pitchaa.~chow
ummi n syaurah
wif cik mia
not readyy

am not love been in this people !

not the comb but the both smile ~

i think the red one are work out for me ummi.

walid shoud x b the half.hehe

n she always wanna up for something even kat rumah orang pun.letak je trus bergrak2 tak henti-henti.hadoii

bila 'arab' bakar sateyy !

i hate myself on this - yewww !

wif tok ma n tok abah

before walid go to masjid

enuff la.
.alhamdulillah settle kes raya for this year.we manage to meet up relatives both in kelantan and batu pahat (for both side). though it was so tiring, but am excited. its not easy handling my syaurah aka super gurl. n now she's up to everything n evrywhere.. like supa dupa baby dah ank ummi ni..huh.letih mengejar..but its okay, got so many eyes at kampung to look at her. pheww ~~

p/s: i knoe,the picture is not that sharp..sob sob

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

too small to wear

tahun ni baju raya syaurah sama dengan her cousin arissa sweey they all. cian syaurah walaupun baju tu besar skit,kain pon longgar, but she manage to wear until noon. bagus ank ummi. muka benggkekks je nk merangkak tersangkut sangkut..ummi pulak buat2 tak nampak jew..soorry sayang..raya punya pasal.yang si arissa ni pantang dekat ngn syaurah, nk tarik rambut,tarik kaki, tgn. die geram kot..haha..biar gambar la crite lagik..dada..

:: we are couziee..lets playy ::

:: dah start touch touch skitt ::

:: kejar lagikk ! ::

:: kejar ! kejar ! skit lagik nk dpat ::

:: usaha jugak nak kejar tu.syaurah dah mencebikk takut.::

:: dah nangisss..aiiyyokk ::

:: hehe maap zahir batin syaurah ye..kiter geram ngn rambut awak..
tgk la tu muka selamber buat syaurah..haha..comell la ::
p/s: tough it too small for my age to wear it,but am happy, it helps me got lots of duwet 'on ! shaper2 yg tak kasi lagi tlg huluq ka umie saya taw!

more raya picture will b next entry ya !

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Alhamdulillah n R.A.Y.A


Dah sebulan berpuasa..
......uwaa..tak diberi kesempatan puasa penuh tahun ni.8 hari kena ganti lorh

Safely arrived at my lovely kampung.
......umppss...seronok sakan menghabiskan masa dikampung..

got baju raiya for this year..
......hhihi..dapatlah 3 helai kurung..

got the raiya surprised !
......thank you walid, semoga murah rezeki walid for next year..yeayy !

tetamu Allah.. dan abah dijemput Ilahi menunaikan Haji for this year..

all i have to say.
.thank you Allah..thank you n alhamdulillah alhamdulillah alhamdulillah !!

alhamdulillah diberikan kesempatan beraya tahun ini.sedih heppy.its was a mix feeling.erm,,bkn sedey meratap aape pon mak ni..hehek.sedih kegembiraan , kesyukuran.alhamdulillah thn ni dapat beraya dengan suasana baru.

ade si kecik nk buat persiapan raya is a diff from before la.syaurah dah la semakin pandai budakk tu.pandai tak nak duduk bawah, nk org bawak dia jln2..kalo berhenti mula nk rengek2..atoisshh...ikot shaperr ni sayurah..aiyaiiyaii..n she can officially crawll,,ump,,betul target ummi syaurah crawl before raya..apa lagi semakin lasak la, tawaf keliling hall rumah, celah2 karpet, almari..sabo je leww ummi walid..

so this year gonna b again a memory raya for fact, its every year become a fabulous celeb n memory to all. kat kampung sambutan lain macam skit meriah nyer.tambah pulak my home sweet home tepi masjid.hah elok org turun masjid serang rumah ketua JKKK kampung..hihi.tak menang tgn..thn ni tak taw la cam ne lagi,,tgn ade dua je aku ni nk handle syaurah lagih..hihi..can do it worry..hihi.
so insan paling berdebar nk sambut tetamu ialah walid,,haha.dah la kena tukar uniform nk bakar sateyy .cian walid..tapi takpe,,walid sukerr,,dapat bakar satey sambil masuk mulut...haha

oh, entry ni ditulis jam 2.40 pagi ye dan esok adalah hari rayee.mata tak ngntuk lagi,baru lepas rehat jap,si syaurah meragam pulak tido lambat kul 10 lebih tonite ,ramai org kat rumah, tido pun lambat,,dengan mercun dim dum damm..mana la anak aku nk titonn..kuss semangatt...

hah.kena titon.esok kena bangun awal lar.okay..cai cin cau..

eipp..jap...ucapan raya lum lagi..

"d kesempatan ini kami sekeluarga ingin mengucapkan selamt menyambut hari lebaran.semoga lebaran kali ni memberi seribu makna buat semua. semoga tuhan memberi keberkatan kepada seluruh ahli keluarga dan seluruh umat islam yang menjalani ibadah puasa dibulan ramdhan.syawal,raikan dengan penuh kesyukuran..
Maaf jika ada ketidak sengajaan, terkasar bahasa, tersilap kata. marilah kita sama-sama mengimarahkan aidilfitri kita kali ini.."

sudahh terbeliakk mata ni..
tata peeps !gambar budak kementot raya pkai baju kurng pink wil b next entry insyAllah.

love: Wanny =P

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Bile super-mommy sudeyy exhausted~~

memang aku tidak nafikan.sejak beralih ke profession baru ni, aku dah tak mcm dulu slow, steady..lani, sungguh aku rase aku mcm lipas kudung kat rumah.nak menyelsaikan kerja kerja yang tertangguh dan kena buat persediaan untuk, this week gonna be a really exhausted for me.aku kalo tidur kurang.terus menerus bdn akn kepenatan. dlm erti kata lain, tido lambat pun bdn aku akn penat.
boleh dlm lrt pantang ade seat kosong aku dah lelap sampai uzbezkistan.haha.kalo tak dpt tempat duduk tersengguk sengguk mcm burung pungguk sambil berdiri pun boley tido..toin toin.agknyer ape lar org len ckp, ank ramai kakak ni agknyer.mcm buruh kasar dah gaya leteh nyer,,hihi.

so, this week , mrs kelam kabut dtg bertimpa-timpa.oleh sebab beberapa kali stay up rmh my MIL je..jadi ke-berangkutan brg2 meletihkan aku..kuang kuang.sampai kat rumah, nk handle rumah lagi, syaurah skang die tak mo duduk sgt.pantang tgk kami melintas jln depan die, akn meraungraung mcm nk tinggal die pulak..eishh..phm la sgt die ni.
tunggu si kecik tu tido lena baru aku start enjin kemas ape yang patut.skang pantang si kecik tu dgr bunyi bunyian.terus terjaga.jadi aku sambil wat kejer, ibarat pijak semut tak mati,,slow je..arrange pinggan pun pelahan je..slow slow huh ! dpt lah rehat dn settle kerjer sejam dua..
ai cam tu la ade anak.baru sorang taw.belum 2 3 4 .dah kelam kabut,ibrat mandi pun tak basah skang dibuatnya. so terpaksalah melayan die sampai penat.ummi pun naik sheikh join main sekali joget ngn syaurah.ape ape jerk.asalkan tidak memudaratkan permandangan suddah..phewww~
ape -ape pon , aku juga selalu ingtkan diri aku supaya tidak mengeluh malah sentiasa kuatkan semangat jika terasa amt letih.kena pikir positif.jgn sampai inya memberikan kesan buruk pada diri sendiri.

p/s :n3 ni ditulis dlm mode penat lagi.tersengguk2 kat meja.cpt la mlm, nk tittoon awal ni..